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Social & Environmental Responsibility

Shandon Travel is committed to equality around the world


As frequent travellers who love to explore our world, we all know it's the people that that make it. We've shared meals, sunrises, stories and much more with fellow travellers and locals right across the globe... and made life-long friends in the process. 

To help ensure the world continues to move towards equality, peace and opportunity for all, Shandon Travel makes donations to organisations like the Irish Red Cross, to help fight poverty, war and the effect of natural disasters. If you're in a position to be able to help, we urge you to do the same. 

Shandon Travel is committed to sustainable tourism


As one of the world's largest global industries, tourism has an undeniable effect on the environment and on socio-economic development worldwide. At Shandon Travel we want to try to protect and preserve our planet's most beautiful landscapes, diverse ecology, and cultures.

There's so much to see and do, and we want to be sure the next generations can enjoy seeing the world as much as we do! We believe in the preservation and enhancement of cultural and natural heritages worldwide. 

To this end, Shandon Travel have taken a number of eco-friendly steps both here in our offices and with out suppliers abroad. We want to help work towards sustainability and keep your favourite holiday destinations special for future holidaymakers.

environmental responsibility Around the World:

  • Promoting responsible travel and environmentally-friendly tourism practices
  • Working with airlines and cruise companies who are committed to reducing their carbon footprint
  • Working with hotel providers who have embraced green technologies and choosing sustainable accommodation as certified by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council
  • Working with tour operators who provide sustainable experiences
  • Supporting wildlife and nature reserves which work to protect the environment and assist endangered animal populations
  • Working with tour operators comitted to protecting local communities and indigenous cultures 
  • Encouraging and promoting ethical tourism for both the consumer and the industry at large

Environmental Responsibility Closer to Home:

  • We have reduced the amount of paper and packaging used in our offices and try to go paperless wherever possible
  • We ensure the recycling and waste bins in our offices and common areas are used correctly
  • Where possible, our brochures are available as electronic versions which we encourage customers to use
  • We provide facilitie for and encourage staff to fill reusable water bottles in-office
  • Our computers and technology are up-to-date and efficient in their power use
  • We work with local businesses and suppliers where available for our in-office needs
  • We do the simple things too! Small gestures like turning off lights or opening a window instead of using air-conditioning can add up to help make a difference

DISCOVER OUR PLANET On a wildlife holiday

  • Learn about the local ecosystem and how it fits in on a global scale
  • Raise awareness and money to support endangered animal species
  • Help protect the environment and support local indigenous communities
  • Shandon Travel works with tour operators who deliver sustainable travel and abide by ethical ecotourism practices

Click the button to browse our selection of worldwide wildlife and nature holidays.

Please get in touch for more information. Call 021 427 7094 or 01 696 5135,  email info@shandontravel.ie or request a call-back using the red button. 


Browse Wildlife Holidays

"The size of a company is not a factor in the ability of a business to make a positive impact in the world."

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We are moving home after 20 years!

Yes, we are excited to let you know that Sayit Travel is being incorporated in to its parent company Shandon Travel. Nothing has changed! We're still your one stop shop for all your travel needs.

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